Qu'est-ce que truenas scale vs core ?

Truenas Scale vs Core are two different versions of TrueNAS, which is a storage operating system developed by iXsystems. These versions cater to different use cases and offer distinct features.

  1. Truenas Scale: TrueNAS Scale is an open-source, Linux-based data management and storage operating system. It is built on Debian GNU/Linux and utilizes a scale-out architecture. Truenas Scale is designed for large-scale deployments, offering high scalability, performance, and resiliency.

Key Features of TrueNAS Scale:

  • Scale-Out Architecture: TrueNAS Scale uses a scale-out architecture, allowing you to easily expand your storage capacity by adding more nodes to the cluster.
  • ZFS File System: It uses the ZFS file system, which provides advanced data protection, data integrity, and flexible storage management capabilities.
  • Replication and High Availability: TrueNAS Scale offers data replication and high availability features, ensuring that your data is always accessible and protected in case of hardware failures.
  • Virtualization Support: It supports virtualization technologies like Docker and KVM, allowing you to consolidate your workloads and run multiple virtual machines on the same infrastructure.
  1. Truenas Core: TrueNAS Core is the successor to FreeNAS, the popular open-source storage solution. It is based on FreeBSD and offers a wide range of features for small to medium-sized deployments. Truenas Core is well-suited for home users, small businesses, and IT enthusiasts.

Key Features of TrueNAS Core:

  • ZFS File System: Like TrueNAS Scale, TrueNAS Core also uses the robust ZFS file system, providing data protection, integrity, and management capabilities.
  • Data Protection: It offers various data protection features, including data replication, snapshots, and encryption, ensuring the security and availability of your data.
  • Virtualization Support: TrueNAS Core supports virtualization technologies like bhyve and Docker, enabling you to run virtual machines and containers efficiently.
  • Network Services: It includes various network services like file sharing (SMB, NFS), iSCSI, FTP, and more, allowing you to create a centralized storage infrastructure for different purposes.

In summary, TrueNAS Scale is designed for large-scale deployments that require high scalability and performance, while TrueNAS Core caters to smaller deployments, providing similar features but on a smaller scale. The choice between the two versions depends on the specific requirements and size of the storage infrastructure.